關於我們         公司产品:色碼電感器, 扼流線圈, 射頻線圈, 可調電感器, 磁環線圈, 電子變壓器等



Company Introduction

      TOP-VIEW Coils Products Co., Ltd was founded in 1985 and experienced prosperous growth in its early years. The monthly capacity reaches eight million pieces of choke coils toroidal coils and transformers. Mainly markets are Asia,U.S,,Germany and other European Countries.In order to meet the rapid growth of market in china,a solely companyDongguan Top-view Electronics Components Limited was set up in 2005 to satisfy the requirements of china clients which in need of taxation invoices up to 17%.

       The company has successfully gained the ISO9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004 Standard from WSC. Our mission is to consistently provide high quality products and services to satisfy the requirements of its customers. To achieve this objective and to ensure that the employees maintain their high level of commitment, the company has implemented a quality system in accordance with the requirements of the international quality system and forward target of Total Quality Management

簡   介


   本司榮獲ISO 9001:2000及ISO14001:2004國際品質及環保標準,保證為客戶提供優質產品及服務,工廠擁有專門的測檢部門,從原材料,生產制程,包裝以至產品出廠,均進行嚴格的質量測試及控制。


   [勵精圖治 眾志成城 品質第一 顧客至上 ] 是我們永恆目標.


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